Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ted Haggard Is Still GAY!!

I don't care what Ted Haggard said before or what he says on Oprah, he still longs to be with a man. Right now might be like "playing house" like we all did as children, I believe traditional belief from science and religion has been for years....if you have had same sex relatioships about 10 times, then you are gay. Sure there are plenty of people on the 'downlow'...but from what we know, those sexual feelings will never go away.

1 comment:

  1. I also know that the Christians and religious folks will say "forgive and forget" and I totally agree where that comes from....
    But isn't this the man that condemned homosexuals and quoting from the Bible all kinds of scripture.

    Hey does anybody out there like seafood or shellfish? Well, in the Bible it says just a short way away from "a man should not lie down with a man"....not to eat shellfish. Leviticus.

    It also says if our eyes offend us to pluck them out....

    It also say if our hands offend us to cut them off. The Bible has survived many translations....We can't even get American history or current events right, how can a book like the Bible get it right. I know, now it is going to be said.."it is the inspired word of God"....OK, I can go for that. It was written long after Christ came and left the earth, men thought the earth was flat and that there were demons in the sea. Let me know how you really feel people.
